
Archive for the ‘Book Releases’ Category

Book Two of the Star-Fae Trilogy has released!! Book One, Halayda, is one of my favorite books ever…so I am very excited about this. 😀 A new queen falls. A death lord rises. An ancient foe looms in the shadows. Sylvie Imanthiya is desperate to lead Faerie well and deepen the bond with her husband, former king […]

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Severed Veil is here!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 You can download it as an ebook, order the paperback from Amazon and get it fast, or you can order the paperback directly from me – signed and with a special pack of book swag! All the links are below.   It’s also in Kindle Unlimited, so if you’re a KU member you […]

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I am over the moon excited to share this with you today. A cover reveal and a pre-order – because next month I am releasing a new book! Severed Veil: Tales of Death and Dreams A dream-traveling boy haunted by a broken girl. A cursed warrior, weary of bloodshed. A princess who battles dragons in an enchanted […]

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Publishing preparation checklist?? OH YES. 😀 I’ve mentioned it here and there on social media, but I’m excited to finally *officially* announce that, Lord willing, I am releasing a new book at the end of October! Severed Veil: Tales of Death and Dreams is a collection of fierce fantasy and sci-fi short stories—stories that dance on […]

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Hey, everybody! Yesterday I sent out my June newsletter, which contained a whole host of exciting announcements, as well as a free flash fiction piece, Fall Like a Stone. The link below will take you there to read it all… READ THE EXCITING NEWSLETTER HERE! (A new story may be coming out…) 😀 Also, July is […]

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