First, I have to share these three Simmer Starter links that directly correlate to the series on love that I have going right now. If you don’t check out any of the other links, read these!
The Three Sieves (Tim Challies) – Amen and amen! This is on my mind too, all the time. I love the 3 sieves notion. “I know it is not the perfect standard by which to judge, but I often find myself thinking it: If others speak of me the way I speak of them, I would be devastated.”
10 Ways to Hate People (HeadHeartHand) – A very brief post with a self-explanatory title.
Seven Ways We Can Guard and Repair Relationships (Ray Ortlund at The Gospel Coalition) – Beautiful thoughts about love and grace in relationships with others.
Second, four links about writing and books:
Why Everyone Deserves to Tell a Story (ScribblePreach) – “ ‘I have a story idea,’ he said to the girl sitting across from him. ‘Do you want to hear it?’ ‘Looks like I don’t have a choice,’ I thought. What happened next was the last thing on planet earth I’d expected: I was riveted.”
99 Essential Character Creation Quotes (WritinGeekery) – This list is gold! It takes a long time to read through, but is well worth it.
How Pursuing Your Gifts Impacts Your Kids (Jessica Turner, on Ann Voskamp’s blog) – Beautiful post about pursuing our artistic gifts even in the busyness of motherhood. Your kids will see it, and enjoy it, and be blessed by it! “My mom comes from a long-line of women who made time for their gifts. My grandmother loved to knit and read. My great-grandmother loved to embroider and sew. This legacy of self-care and seeing it in practice made a huge impact on me. As I mother, I want to instill the same values in my children.”
No Boys Allowed: School Visits As a Woman Writer (Shannon Hale) – This is something that frustrates me about how we treat boys and girls and their reading habits…the concept that “boys don’t read books about girls,” or worse, that they should not.
I love to hear your thoughts!