
Archive for the ‘Creativity and the Arts’ Category

Book Two of the Star-Fae Trilogy has released!! Book One, Halayda, is one of my favorite books ever…so I am very excited about this. 😀 A new queen falls. A death lord rises. An ancient foe looms in the shadows. Sylvie Imanthiya is desperate to lead Faerie well and deepen the bond with her husband, former king […]

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Today author Janeen Ippolito is here on the blog to share about her upcoming steampunk fantasy adventure – Faithless, Book 2 of her Ironfire Legacy series! First, a bit about the book… One wild night, Shance Windkeeper discovers he’s married to a death unicorn. But that’s the least of his troubles. As an agent for the Lawless, Shance is […]

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I can’t stop the story: The movement, The pain, The dancing of visuals Carved in my brain, The eager compulsion, That cry of my soul, The frenzy, The vision that’s burning a hole In my mind. I can’t shake it. It’s mine, this I know— My quest, not another’s, For only I’m full Of this […]

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Hello, friends!  My blog has been rather quiet lately. Awhile back I stopped posting the Simmer Starters because I noticed not a lot of people are interested in them…but I found that I miss sharing cool links! 😛 I’ve decided to pick up the practice again, but post only when I have a collection of […]

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I’m currently recovering from VBS, which was back-to-back with my trip to Philly for Realm Makers!  I will blog about RM next week, Lord willing, and I have plans to shift to a new style of Simmer Starters…one where I add more of my own personal thoughts on the links I choose to share.  Please […]

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