
Archive for the ‘Scripture’ Category

Parchments (Mike Wittmer) – WOW. Did you ever wonder how much it cost Paul to send one of his epistles?  I was pretty astounded… Three Dollars (Adam4D) – As usual, insightful and convicting webcomic fare from Adam4D. I really enjoy his comics but I’m not sure I’ve linked to them before on my Simmers! Make Your Protagonist […]

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Narrating Dreams & Visions (Mythcreants) – Sleep stuff fascinates me!  This is a good breakdown of information about things like sleepwalking and sleep paralysis, as well as suggestions about how to write dream sequences and visions. In TKT I actually fall afoul of one of their tips to not change tense or switch between 1st and 3rd POV. […]

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Yesterday I read an article I enjoyed.  To me, the lesson was: take your time writing books, pay attention to quality, and don’t feel pressured to pump out multiple novels a year, but rather do what you know is right for your stories.  Since I don’t have much time to write, and I am committed to seeing […]

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I’m sorry for the lack of posts lately!  My brain has been totally absorbed with new baby and family stuff and I haven’t had a lot of mental bandwidth for writing articles, barely adding a sentence or two to my book every few days!  But I try to keep up my Simmer Starters, because they […]

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Welcome to my series on 1 Corinthians 13!  For the introductory post, click here. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have […]

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