
Archive for the ‘Encouragement’ Category

1. Our characters—all the precious details about them and their lives, how they entertain us, and how they keep us company at all times. 2. Coffee/tea/cocoa/wine…our writing beverage of choice. Also SNACKS! 3. That non-writing friend or family member who asks how our writing is going. Sometimes we feel like nobody in our lives cares […]

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Brianna Merritt invited me to guest post on her blog today. I wrote on how having a “thick skin” isn’t the most important thing when it comes to sharing our creative work: What if, in spite of all my logical mental preparation, I can’t handle negative reviews? What if I’m a pathetically oversensitive snowflake after […]

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Hello, friends!  My blog has been rather quiet lately. Awhile back I stopped posting the Simmer Starters because I noticed not a lot of people are interested in them…but I found that I miss sharing cool links! 😛 I’ve decided to pick up the practice again, but post only when I have a collection of […]

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Time for another month of celebrating our works-in-progress and encouraging one another in our writing!  I’m thrilled to see many, many new faces tweeting and sharing this time.  What a joy! 😀 If you’re a writer with a work-in-progress, you’re invited to join the party!  Tweet it, Facebook it, blog it, or even Instagram it! […]

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Brace yourselves!  After missing it last week, I have a ton of Simmers to catch up on. 😀 Hospitality and the Holy Imagination (Zach Franzen) – Some fascinating, worthy thoughts here (it takes a bit for the article to really get going, so stay with it). “Artists should be good hosts. At the very least […]

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