
Archive for the ‘Short Fiction’ Category

Severed Veil is here!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 You can download it as an ebook, order the paperback from Amazon and get it fast, or you can order the paperback directly from me – signed and with a special pack of book swag! All the links are below.   It’s also in Kindle Unlimited, so if you’re a KU member you […]

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I am over the moon excited to share this with you today. A cover reveal and a pre-order – because next month I am releasing a new book! Severed Veil: Tales of Death and Dreams A dream-traveling boy haunted by a broken girl. A cursed warrior, weary of bloodshed. A princess who battles dragons in an enchanted […]

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At long last, Dragon Lyric has released!! *throws confetti* Yay! If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you may have seen me post awhile back that my release had been delayed. Turns it out was delayed by about a month – this story required so much more thought and time than I had initially expected. […]

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As some of you know, I’m preparing to release another short story, a high fantasy tale called Dragon Lyric. It was originally part of the larger collection of shorts I’m compiling, but it grew to have a presence of its own that demanded to be shared individually. Dragon Lyric releases a month from now, June 22nd! […]

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It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!!! I am so excited to announce the release of my first short story ebook, Threadbare. Writing this story has been a gift to me, and I hope it blesses you too! Click on the image below or on this link to purchase the ebook on Amazon! You can also add it on Goodreads […]

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