
Posts Tagged ‘children’

My two oldest children are 4 and 3, and have sampled many of the children’s TV shows on Netflix.  Here are my five favorites of the shows currently available (as of August 2015). 1. Octonauts This is hands-down my favorite kids show on Netflix right now.  It reminds me of an undersea children’s Star Trek […]

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Oh, oh, here we go Welcome to the show Lights shining, so blinding From our head to our toes When this room blacks out You know we will stand out So come on, oh We’re gonna glow! – “Glow” by Britt Nicole Children love glow sticks.  Actually, adults love glow sticks too.  (At least I do…I […]

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Last week I was chatting with a friend about parenting struggles.  She has a child who had gotten addicted to TV, and she had to do the hard work of cutting back screen time.  Not only was it upsetting to the child, but it was hard on Mom too!  Now she has to entertain the […]

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When I was three years old, I hid inside a closet and prayed to “ask Jesus into my heart”, as they say.  It’s probably my earliest memory.  By the time I was ten, I recognized that my conversion had not included a confession of my sin or a desire for forgiveness, so I sought salvation […]

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