
Archive for the ‘Writing Conferences’ Category

Realm Makers is less than 50 days away, peeps. SQUEE!!!! (That GIF expresses both sides of my brain here. On the one hand, ALL THE EXCITE! And on the other….oh, I have so much to do before I go!!) This will be my third year going to Realm Makers, and since it’s on my mind today, I […]

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After a long night of flying, I’m back from another amazing Realm Makers conference! Last year when I went to the conference in Philly, I was struggling as an author. I had just put away my trilogy and was floundering deep in that fresh heartbreak. I was working on a new project, but aware my […]

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Things will be pretty quiet on the blog this week because….I’m flying out to Philadelphia for REALM MAKERS!!! I have been dying to go to RM ever since it existed, so I am over the top excited. 😀 😀  I’m meeting a lot of friends who I’ve known online for awhile, rooming with some of my […]

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EEEEEP.  I am beyond excited to go to the Realm Makers conference for the first time this year!! Along with all the awesome lectures and learning experiences, Realm Makers also has a costume banquet (and a Nerf War!!).  I am seriously counting down the days. But the costume banquet means…deciding on someone to be for the […]

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