Simmer Starters for this week! Enjoy!
Die Well (Jonathan Parnell at DesiringGod) – Beautiful thoughts here. “There is a major difference here between false gain and true gain. It’s one key distinction between a Muslim jihadist blowing himself up and an Ethiopian Christian being beheaded. The former is trying to use death to earn himself something. The latter is saying that death, cruel as it is, can’t touch that which he already owns and to which he has ascribed surpassing value.”
Fetal Homicide Laws are a Problem for Pro-Choicers (Stand to Reason Blog) – Sorry to rant, and I don’t often post political stuff, but this is the sort of thing that just makes me hopping mad….the total idiocy and hypocrisy of it all…
Do You Judge a Book By Its Cover? Take My Poll! (Heather L.L. Fitzgerald) – A fellow speculative fiction writer talks about different styles of book covers, and shares a poll about favorite types of design for fantasy novel covers.
10 Things You SHOULD Regularly Tell Writers (Cait at Paper Fury) – Something funny for my fellow writer peeps to guffaw at. 😀
The Power of Flash Fiction (Randy Ingermanson) – This author’s flash piece appeared in the same issue of Havok Magazine as mine did! Here he talks about writing flash fiction and some of the reasons it’s fun and good for writers to practice.
Act Your Age (Megan Ebba at Speculative Faith) – A post about making characters realistic for their age. It just came out this morning, and I hope it gets some good discussion going!
Thanks for linking to my piece 🙂
I always like to see your mix on Fridays…some really interesting things 🙂
You’re very welcome! 🙂 I’m glad you like my link mix…I enjoy posting those every week and sharing the things that interest me so they can be spread around the web more. 🙂