
Posts Tagged ‘toddlers’

My two oldest children are 4 and 3, and have sampled many of the children’s TV shows on Netflix.  Here are my five favorites of the shows currently available (as of August 2015). 1. Octonauts This is hands-down my favorite kids show on Netflix right now.  It reminds me of an undersea children’s Star Trek […]

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As a writer, I know the importance of beginnings. Everything hangs on the first few pages of your novel.  If readers don’t enjoy those, they probably won’t move on.  There are lots of books in the world, so unless someone else told them it was a good story, why should they spend time on a […]

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1. Animal crackers.  For the kids.  Well, mostly for the kids. The ones in the cute boxes are the best, yo. 2. Peace and quiet when she uses the restroom.  (May be difficult to gift wrap.) 3. iTunes gift cards, so she can buy the kids more children’s apps instead of saying, “No, those cost […]

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