
Archive for the ‘Myers-Briggs Typology’ Category

I’m excited to be taking part in this blog tour, celebrating the release of Lawless, book one of The Ironfire Legacy by Janeen Ippolito! I had the honor of reading this book in its early stages, and it’s so much fun. Dragonshifters and steampunk romance and airships. And lots and lots of intrigue and snark. Ahhhh, I can’t wait […]

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Today I’m excited to be part of the blog tour for my friend Sarah White’s incredible fantasy novel, Halayda. (Seriously. Pick Halayda up!! It’s one of the best books I’ve read all year! Also, have you seen the gorgeous cover?? *drools* My print copy is coming in the mail any day now and I CAN’T WAIT!) […]

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I’m blogging today about a new book coming out at the end of this month! Blood Mercy: Thicker Than Water is co-authored by my good friends Janeen Ippolito and Julia Busko. It’s a riveting novella and if you like vampires (or if you don’t like vampires!) you should check it out! 😀 Here’s the blurb: […]

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I love to hear about how radically diverse our souls and minds are, as human beings.  It’s part of why I love Myers-Briggs so much.  It’s delightful and mind-blowing to me how very differently people can approach similar things!  It’s what makes the world exciting and fun, that none of us quite think the same […]

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Life is crazy and chaotic right now – we have the new baby in the house, and we potty-trained the two oldest kids this week as well, so there have been a lot of messes to clean and a lot of supervision for potty breaks.  Also, the third child – who was neither potty trained nor newly […]

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