
Archive for the ‘Musings’ Category

I came across a quote the other day by author Shannon Hale.  She begins: I am (as usual) attempting to write a book that’s too hard for me. I’m telling a story I’m not smart enough to tell. The risk of failure is huge. I was stunned at how well that described where I am […]

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I love to hear about how radically diverse our souls and minds are, as human beings.  It’s part of why I love Myers-Briggs so much.  It’s delightful and mind-blowing to me how very differently people can approach similar things!  It’s what makes the world exciting and fun, that none of us quite think the same […]

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Yesterday morning my husband surprised me with a breakfast-and-lunch date, and a trip to Barnes & Noble sandwiched in between.  (He’s pretty awesome, if you ask me!) Rambling around the bookstore, I was struck by something I’d never thought about before. There is, of course, the science-fiction and fantasy section – packed to the gills […]

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What if our characters are real?  What if they are actually the souls of unborn children who died before birth, and God gives them to authors as inspiration for characters in our stories?  What if we will meet all our characters someday in heaven? When I came up with that fun fictional concept last week, I […]

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I’m so sorry this is several days late!!  I have loads of links to share with you. Porn and Worship: A Look at Emotionalism in the Church (Zach Bartels) – Great article, countering something I’ve been thinking about for awhile now…the tendency of conservative Reformed churches to look skeptically on emotion.  “Just as porn doesn’t change […]

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