
Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category

1. Our characters—all the precious details about them and their lives, how they entertain us, and how they keep us company at all times. 2. Coffee/tea/cocoa/wine…our writing beverage of choice. Also SNACKS! 3. That non-writing friend or family member who asks how our writing is going. Sometimes we feel like nobody in our lives cares […]

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I can’t stop the story: The movement, The pain, The dancing of visuals Carved in my brain, The eager compulsion, That cry of my soul, The frenzy, The vision that’s burning a hole In my mind. I can’t shake it. It’s mine, this I know— My quest, not another’s, For only I’m full Of this […]

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Hello, friends!  My blog has been rather quiet lately. Awhile back I stopped posting the Simmer Starters because I noticed not a lot of people are interested in them…but I found that I miss sharing cool links! 😛 I’ve decided to pick up the practice again, but post only when I have a collection of […]

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Last night I discovered the term “noblebright.” I’m still geeking out about it. *happy squeak* 😀 It describes so much of what I write, and the tone of almost all my favorite stories.  Finding this term is like finding a word to describe a mood I have seen and loved all my life, but not had a […]

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I’m currently recovering from VBS, which was back-to-back with my trip to Philly for Realm Makers!  I will blog about RM next week, Lord willing, and I have plans to shift to a new style of Simmer Starters…one where I add more of my own personal thoughts on the links I choose to share.  Please […]

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