
Archive for the ‘The Bubbling Imagination’ Category

I love to hear about how radically diverse our souls and minds are, as human beings.  It’s part of why I love Myers-Briggs so much.  It’s delightful and mind-blowing to me how very differently people can approach similar things!  It’s what makes the world exciting and fun, that none of us quite think the same […]

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Our church sends out a monthly newsletter, which usually includes articles from other pastors and theologians which our pastor has read recently and wants to share with the congregation.  This month’s issue came today, and included a review of Randy Alcorn’s Heaven, which I have been wanting to read for awhile.  As I scanned the review, […]

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Here is the short story brainchild of my “superhero mom group” inspiration the other night.  Enjoy! Tara took a long sip of coffee, keeping a leery watch on Benjamin out of the corner of her eye.  He was playing quietly – for once – digging into a bin of multicolored alphabet blocks in Ellie’s living […]

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This is one of those weeks where I bounce from project to project, barely wading knee deep into one story before I splash away to immerse myself in the next. Technically Daik 11 is my primary project, and I’ve been putting together character profiles for it and scenes have been running around in my head. […]

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I am a big fan of character profiles.  No matter how organically a character appears and develops in my mind and on the page, sooner or later I find myself compelled to “flesh them out” a bit more: to consider what their pet peeves are, what they studied in college, their favorite foods, what music […]

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